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Flirt Forum

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** LIVE NOW ** Are we more honest on IE?

I tried a normal dating site before this, but ended up lying through my teeth on it. You...

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What has...

....turned you on or off a person on a first date?

The good, the bad, the weird...

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Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your...

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Hot or not?

Right, debate time! Is Nigel Farage now the hottest man on TV? Has he grown on you since his...

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New to this

Hi all I'm new to this and never cheated before. Does it get easier?

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I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice...

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Is anyone else missing intimacy?

I feel like speaking to people on IE is the...

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Hotel meet

What is the expectation of the hotel bill for a date with your IE?
Is the male who pays...

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Help I'm new!


I've just joined. Please send me as many tips as possible. I have never...

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A recipe

In three words describe the perfect affair...

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Ice Breakers

What's the best way to break the ice?

Any good conversation starters, or have...

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How far is too far?

How far is reasonable for an IE ,I don't drive but am happy to travel by train for meetings...

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