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** LIVE NOW ** Are we more honest on IE?

I tried a normal dating site before this, but ended up lying through my teeth on it. You...

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Did anybody else...

Did anybody else join IE because their partner cheated on them first? Originally I was bitter and...

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Confidence and Age

Does anybody else feel more confident in their 40's/50's/60's than they did in their...

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Keeping it cool?

Ever had that feeling when you've met somebody, and you have an instant, electric...

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Advice please Gents!

I have met a great man on here, we clicked right away, fancied each other instantly and got on...

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Do we...?

Do we really know what we are looking for?
I only know when I have found it....

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More attentive?

I get that feeling of freedom of doing something in secret and knowing that those around me...

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Opening Lines

Is it just me or does everyone else think the opening line
"What is it you are...

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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that...

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Should I or shouldn’t I?

Hi, my wife and are still very much in love and are actually still having good sex but we both...

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Should I start something at work?

My colleague smiles at me a lot. We have an obvious attraction to each other. But,...

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Hair Colour

Why is it that men put their hair colour as brown, grey, blonde etc....but when you see their pic...

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