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First date?

What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.

Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?

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Comments (233)

ExoticOrchid - 01 Mar, 2023 - 10:24AM

teper_1961 - 01 Mar, 2023 - 09:48AM

Absolutely spot on ... couldn't agree more.
I've made the mistake of meeting for a meal but never again.
If you get on, by all means carry on but otherwise it can be excruciating!

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1444888 - 01 Mar, 2023 - 09:48AM

No, definitely not.

A first date ought to be set for no longer than an hour. (you can always extend it if you get on).
It should be in a public place over a cup of coffee/tea etc.
Ideally let someone know where you are going (Yes difficult considering that the majority are looking for a discreet affair).
I'd avoid alcohol.
If you don't get on (and lets face it, we can't all get on with everyone. especially given the main reason we are all on here) make your excuses and leave (even if its 'I don't think we are matched')
We (British) tend to be too polite (a good thing in my book) and most of us would struggle to simply walk out. A meal can last over an hour and if you don't click, that's a long time to spend starring at each other with nothing to say.

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JonP1974 - 12 Nov, 2022 - 06:42AM

It all depends on what kind of affair you are both looking for. Some are looking for the traditional wining and dining with weekends away, some are looking for a friend with benefits, others are looking for purely a physical relationship when time allows. I've been chatting with someone and our first meet was going for a walk, chatting and learning more about each other.

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1529050 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 02:45PM

Countess J - 06 Oct, 2022 - 01:48PM

Interesting.... (BTW can't eat oysters - love them but so allergic). For me I do not call the first meet a date more of a meet to see if we click or gel. So I am always happy for a drink after work or at lunch time. The next meet, I normally like something like dinner or a nice long lunch and then can begin planning. I like on the first meet to have the option to leave if you want or like your lovely tea into dinner - stay if it is going well.

You sound like a lady with such exquisite taste and very classy.

kinghoy44 - 06 Oct, 2022 - 02:34PM

I would say something informal as a first date is a nice idea. Coffee and cake might be a nice way to break the ice, and it gives each person an “out” if they just think it won’t work for whatever reason…..

Countess J - 06 Oct, 2022 - 01:48PM

I'm surprised to read so many are against a dinner as a first date. I once met a lovely man for high tea at the Savoy. Many, many hours later we were still there eating oysters, caviar and drinking champagne. Neither one of us wanted the date to end. I've had several such experiences with absolutely no regrets.

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Countess J - 06 Oct, 2022 - 01:41PM

I find dinner is a perfect first date idea. Just be careful and check if restaurant turns into a lounge after a certain hour. I made the mistake of choosing a well known London bistro and was taken aback by the loud music and terribly young crowd it attracted after 8pm. Now I check the reviews and if the restaurant doesn't guarantee an intimate environment until closing then I'll suggest somewhere else.

davemh72uk - 06 Oct, 2022 - 12:25PM

For a first date I prefer either going for a nice coffee and/or Cinema/theatre

53789 - 02 Oct, 2022 - 04:03PM

Been a while but I took a date round forests of windermere on electric mountain bikes...seemed to go down well...

1551398 - 02 Oct, 2022 - 02:51PM

A nice walk, coffee in hand

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