First date?
What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.
Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?
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Comments (233)
1447655 - 02 Mar, 2023 - 08:47AM
I had a first date that wouldn't let go of my hand. And it went on and on - tight too, and it got sweaty in there! I had to drink my drink with my 'wrong' hand. I started to think maybe he was going to keep my hand, maybe in a was the 'right' one, it might have been useful! Actually got past the point of politely asking for my hand back!
All true!
1494077 - 02 Mar, 2023 - 06:17AM
My first meet stats are an equal number of coffees and meals. Hand holding is optional, as is going somewhere more private if the mood takes us.
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tonicwithice - 02 Mar, 2023 - 01:03AM
For me, first date needs to be a coffee or drink in public, but ideally somewhere where you can get a bit of privacy in the sense of not being overheard and not advertising your presence to everyone who enters, pubs with lots of little alcoves, corners etc. Situated somewhere that's not in either parties normal stomping grounds.
I remember on a second date with an IE we went to one if those premium cinemas and booked one of the 'lovers seats' and when we arrived to collect the member of staff made a big deal of the whole 'lovers seats eh? Someone's on a promise ' etc. etc. It was so embarrassing and hardly discreet!
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rodstripe - 01 Mar, 2023 - 11:17PM
I like my first date to go like this:
1. Bridge test (see previously)
2. Meet up in the handbag dept in Harrods
3. Afternoon Tea at Fortnums
4. Trip to Anne Summers
5. Cocktails and nibbles
6. Hotel / Back of my camper van / Quickie in an alley way.
Not necessarily in that order.
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Lovetoeat69 - 01 Mar, 2023 - 08:07PM
Intoxicate Your Mind - 01 Mar, 2023 - 05:47PM
Did it take you long to come up with that user name?
I’d be interested to know how many dates have ended up in your hotel….🤔
More then a couple thanks
ExoticOrchid - 01 Mar, 2023 - 06:07PM
Intoxicate Your Mind - 01 Mar, 2023 - 05:47PM
At first glance, I read it as "Love toe" ... haha!
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Delicious Chaos - 01 Mar, 2023 - 05:47PM
Did it take you long to come up with that user name?
I’d be interested to know how many dates have ended up in your hotel….🤔
ExoticOrchid - 01 Mar, 2023 - 05:40PM
Beckysharp - 01 Mar, 2023 - 03:55PM
It is, truth be told!
I don't want another husband and I don't want to live with someone either so this suits me very well and I'm lucky that my IEs have the freedom to start with lunch and end with breakfast ... indeed, the 'f' part is definitely important!!! ;-)
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Paula99 - 01 Mar, 2023 - 04:49PM
I wish it was that simple but for us professional ladies we have a house to run .. kids ..elderly parents our time is precious with our IEs
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Lovetoeat69 - 01 Mar, 2023 - 04:26PM
I live in hotels Monday thru Friday so if meeting someone for the first time usually for a drink and if things click - the date can carry on at my hotel without issue
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