Double Dippers
You meet someone here, start dating them, build the connection, but then see them still active on here... Yet they reassure you that they are absolutely into you, that everything is perfect, that you are the woman of their dreams. If you aren't sure they will be the one, create a backup of a backup, pause and think... How fair is that?I have ghosts upon ghosts returning, wondering why I abruptly ended dating. I value myself and know what I have to offer, and that is an exclusive and absolutely fantastic affair. I refuse to settle for double dippers.
Any one else agree?
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Comments (240)
Enigma.. - 18 Nov, 2022 - 08:52AM
I have to admit that over the past few months the amount of double dipping males, getting back in touch with me, has more than doubled.
All wanting to continue where they left off. Hilarious.
That’ll be a no!?!
You chose to ghost me. You chose to put me on the back burner whilst chatting to others. You choose to send the message “I think we are both looking for different things” etc, etc…
Yet they keep, or should that be creep lol, crawling back hoping for a second chance.
My reply will continue to be…
“You had your chance, you blew it. I don’t do second best, never have done, never will do”.
Sometimes even that doesn’t work!?! Ah well… block.
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mipaulac - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:17PM
Hot Saucy
Typo I meant to say "it doesn't look like your going to be gang banging the "coven" "
1562115 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:03PM
Looks like the coven just got triggered 😂
1562115 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:03PM
Looks like the coven just got triggered 😂
1562115 - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:02PM
Looks like the coven just got triggered 😂
Baltibob - 17 Nov, 2022 - 09:19AM
Happens all the time pal. Don’t know if you are married, butvassuming you are, surely by being on this site you are “Double Dipping” as are all married people on here.
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mipaulac - 17 Nov, 2022 - 04:43AM
Hot Saucy - 15 Nov, 2022 - 07:36PM
Ha ha it does look like your going to be gang banging the "coven" :-)
Treat people, even women !, like you like to be treated yourself pal
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FluffyClouds - 16 Nov, 2022 - 10:36PM
Fluffyclouds -
You know, someone mentioned on another thread about a man who thought he was an Adonis and was the total opposite on pw swap. Top 5% is something pretty special.
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1529050 - 16 Nov, 2022 - 11:45AM
Hot Saucy - 15 Nov, 2022 - 07:36PM
Yes insult the ladies who have their own mind & point of view by calling them the Coven-mature!
I never wagged my finger at John, just stated that just because you pay it should not be the reason why you stay - anyone has the choice to stay pay or not. I am here but have on my profile & an automatic message set up saying I am not replying to messages as seeing someone. By coming off of here you do not guarantee exclusivity,as one could cheat off here too, it all amounts to trust & what you want & expect from your affair.
Some guys I have seen have stayed on till their membership ran out, some deleted immediately - each to their own, in past times once I had met someone I deleted my profile, but this time I am enjoying the forums, however if my IE had an issue I would not have a problem deleting my profile. As always do you what you think is best for you & your IE.
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