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How quickly can a meeting become sexual?

How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?

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Comments (159)

Delicious Chaos - 27 Dec, 2022 - 04:49PM

First dare no. Not sure what will get out of it apart from fulfilling an urge plus it will probably be rubbish
Get to know someone first, make sure they aren’t going to mess you about the do it. Nothing worse than chatting for ages, lots of meets then when it comes to it the sex is bad. We’re not here for bad sex

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Paula99 - 27 Dec, 2022 - 04:18PM


Like a knitting or a book club 😂😂

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FreshMintTea - 27 Dec, 2022 - 03:53PM

As soon as you both feel ready for that step but you also do want it to drag on and on.

To be honest do you want to spend a long time getting to know someone only to find out that you are not sexually compatible?. Some would say well I want
more than intimacy so we can still remain friends 😉but let’s face it intimacy is one of the main reasons we are all here ..... otherwise we would be better off joining a non-illicit friends/companionship group where we meet for coffee, chat, go for walks etc (all I know are way cheaper than this site🤣🤣)

leggysheila - 20 Feb, 2022 - 07:47AM

Love a "one night stand" xxxxxx

Paula99 - 18 Feb, 2022 - 03:44PM

If you want a 'one night stand ' go for it..short and sharp without chemistry and granted you will forget about it instantly. It is what it is !
With the right chemistry you will 'feel' it for days after and always remember how good it was🙂

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sxybabe - 12 Feb, 2022 - 01:00AM

My first time was 10 mins x

1505288 - 10 Feb, 2022 - 10:22PM

That old trope “we will meet as friends”…

I found that if I had been talking to someone online or by phone for some weeks by the time you finally met you had very few secrets from each other and knew each other extremely well. Often there was nothing else left to do and it was not like jumping into bed with a total stranger, hell they had probably even told me exactly where they liked being tickled…

It didn’t always happen that way

rarity23 - 27 Jan, 2022 - 11:22PM

For me, a first date is to get to know each other, I'd just rather know that we both want to see each other again, and share a kiss, as we leave, with a nice feeling inside of what is to come.

To have sex on a first date would be like a quick hook up and maybe that's more suited to other dating sites.

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Key of Life - 23 Jan, 2022 - 05:32PM

I’m guessing that what lot of us on here miss is a passionate snog in a doorway , a quiet corner in a pub or in the car - that would be a good result , don’t aim too high ( or too low lol ) in a first meet

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1395366 - 21 Jan, 2022 - 10:52PM

I think it depends on the chemistry x

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