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How quickly can a meeting become sexual?

How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?

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Comments (158)

Ssrah 2.1 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 12:16AM

Not sure if you're a woman or man, but if you're a man, here's my female perspective. It really depends on how the first meet goes. For me, if the connection's quick - instant, even - then there's not much point in waiting. Life can get in the way of spontaneity though, and sometimes the wait between first meeting and sex is just about making sure that's all sorted first.

Just be yourself, go with your instincts and see how you feel when you meet her.

I don't know - do men view having a sense of connection as important? I think women generally do.

Ssrah 2.1 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 11:25PM

It really depends on how the first meet goes. For me, if the connection's quick - instant, even - then there's not much point in waiting. Life can get in the way of spontaneity though, and sometimes the wait between first meeting and sex is just about making sure that's all sorted first.

Just be yourself, go with your instincts and see how you feel when you meet her.

I don't know - do men view having a sense of connection as important? I think women generally do.

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Life is a beach - 02 Mar, 2024 - 09:47PM

By experience (I am relatively new to this), I strongly feel you should meet in a public place to begin with.
I know some of you have gone straight for sex on first meet. Has it gone to a long-lasting affair? Probably not.
I spent time messaging before I first met him. We did click.
I found him very attractive from our first very first meeting!
Second meeting onwards, well, ladies don't tell 😍😈♥️

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leggysheila - 02 Mar, 2024 - 03:39PM

If I fancy him then I go to the loo and slip my panties off XXX

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FluffyClouds - 02 Mar, 2024 - 02:45PM


Sometimes, the reality of the face to face meets doesn't translate from the pics and comms. It is possible and common not to feel an attraction at the meet....should we just jump into bed with them anyway? I don't think so.

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boav91 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 08:44AM

So from my experience so far it depends on connection and where the rest of your relationship is going. The person I am with we had flirted and chatted online for a while, so a connection was there already. Meeting in person only confirmed that as we both really fancied each other and then we just let nature take its course. It really did not take long but then that is what we both wanted and nearly 6 months later it continues to take its course very happily and I think successfully
I think all situations are different . I would say my ie and I are very compatible sexually. . both of us found that with our partners it was just not as satisfying , hence why we are here. Each
Person reason for being here is different and for me it was a reluctant attempt to look to bring a spark back that had otherwise become insidious to what is otherwise a good friendly relationship, it felt more like living with a friend. It had not always been like that. Needed the right person for the sex, and the rest to be amazing

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Blueeyedbeauty84 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 02:32AM

I think it all depends on how the initial meet goes. You know pretty quickly if you’re sexually attracted to one another. If the passion is there why wait…

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Mikey1970 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 12:02AM

I would say that this is very much decided on when both parties start chatting and then meet. Lets face it, you're not going to meet if the other party doesn't do it for you. Once you meet and if you both want the same thing then why not. It's down to the individuals.
I find that many women on here, and I understand the same goes for men, but I don't have experience of that, don't even want to send a thanks but no thanks back to a message so I struggle with the idea that someone arranges to meet and then doesn't want to take it any further.

1649153 - 01 Mar, 2024 - 11:20PM

Depends on the reason you’re here. From the purpose of one meet to a few meets to build the connection

SDream07 - 01 Mar, 2024 - 05:38PM

Men or women who are here for hooks ups are in the wrong site. The same goes to men and women who are looking for a life partner/future husband/wife or soulmate...please go to the right site and leave the rest of us to have an illicit encounter...the name says all no more to explain.

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