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What do you think of dating someone older/younger on the site?  I'm in my mid thirties and since I've joined the site I have found more of a connection with someone older than me than I have with people a similar age. 

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Comments (242)

1457379 - 16 Jun, 2021 - 02:12PM

I think everybody has a different life experience here, often at work I shake my head at the IT naivety of some of my contacts and at the same time think of myself as very lucky that I keep up to date.

However I would say never judge a book by its cover on this because one person may be light years away from the other in circumstances.

From my own perspective I relate far more to somebody in their 40's with school and college aged children than somebody who is empty nesting.

1452057 - 16 Jun, 2021 - 01:57PM

I prefer older, I've actually never dated younger or same age.

Morton19 - 16 Jun, 2021 - 09:44AM

I don't think there needs to be any rules about age, but those around the same age tend to have similar reference points for conversation. You know, the simple stuff, life before mobile phones, shops closed on Sundays. All part of the culture that produced us. Things that don't need explanation.

Doesn't mean we don't like or get along with younger or older people, just that the chances of clicking are probably higher if you already share some of life's experiences.

If your only interest is sex, then it probably matters even less. You just need to turn each other on. And who knows, we all have different reasons for finding someone sexy.

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yadrall - 15 Jun, 2021 - 11:27PM

You know what?I think this age rule is just a BS...if it
cliks, it cliks....It is easy to say if you in your 40s and you think about young chicks in their 30s... :)

1457379 - 15 Jun, 2021 - 10:15PM

I spill soup on my shirt each day, live in my cardigan and slippers and need scaffolding plus Viagra.

Well none of that is true but since I reached an older age that's how I feel here at times ...

reddevil1 - 15 Jun, 2021 - 10:06PM

I'd love to date both older and younger ladies.

Summerbelle - 15 Jun, 2021 - 09:54PM

If it feels right do it!

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ClassyLady77 - 15 Jun, 2021 - 09:25PM

I prefer older men… not to old.. I draw the line at pension age.. As I get older the pool is getting less.. 😂

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1246011 - 15 Jun, 2021 - 09:18PM

I tend to look for older, but I’m pretty open. Depends on the connection and conversation. However, just not too much younger 🤣

Realhousewife20 - 15 Jun, 2021 - 07:39PM

I’m 39 but look and act much younger and I do prefer someone a bit younger than me, my last IE was 30 and my current one is 33, I hate to insult any older men but I just don’t find older men attractive…. Sorry 😬

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