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How much contact in between meets is enough contact....

How many messages do you and your IE have in between meets and what do you
think is acceptable? Is once or twice a week enough or do you feel you
must have at least one message per day??

I am happy with a few messages a week, it does not have to be daily for me
but I know others yearn and need that daily message or messages - what do
you like?

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Comments (104)

1529050 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:41PM

ExoticOrchid - 18 Apr, 2023 - 07:51PM

Yup it can work πŸ‘πŸ»

I tend to avoid single/divorced men as I don’t feel equal footing - but it πŸ’― can and does work as we know x

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1587581 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:36PM


Appreciate your thoughts I'm a long long way down the road and have made peace with my situation. After 10 (not particularly successful) months on regular dating apps I found myself here, which strangely felt a lot more appropriate.

You know how it is, once you've entered the IE "Matrix" life suddenly doesn't look the same again. So my mind was opened and I've found somewhere where my circumstances are not considered an issue, in fact my flexibility is seen by some as a benefit.

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Unspokenfor55 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:23PM

I think it depends on the connection you have with the person, the stronger the connection the more you're going to want to message the person. I met someone on here a dew years ago and it was explosive in a good way, and therefore we messaged each other quite alot.

1590175 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:12PM

And there we shall leave it

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ExoticOrchid - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:11PM

C180 - 08:07PM

Indeed we do ... you have yours and I have mine.

You voiced yours and I voiced mine.

1590175 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:07PM


Im not talking about everyone.
We all have our own opinion dont we?

ExoticOrchid - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:03PM

C180 - 07:56PM

Not everyone resents the other's freedom ... there are marrieds with marrieds who resent the other's freedom too.

Everyone's situation/personality/attitude is different.

Live and let live shall we.

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1590175 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:00PM

Lord Flashheart

Im really sorry to hear about your situation, which obviously I didn't know about.
I really hope it all works out for you, everyone deserves some "time-out". Xx

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1590175 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 07:56PM


As I say if it works, great.
However if one starts to resent the other over freedoms vs restrictions then it's dead in the water.

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1587581 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 07:56PM


It's something we've already discussed. I made sure she has a good friend who she can confide in....she does who voices the same concerns you do. We're both going in with eyes open. This isn't her first rodeo either.

I can't have a "normal" relationship as I have a chronically ill partner with whom I share a house and who I'm also attorney too. She's so far mentally gone that on a bad day she doesn't know who I am at all.

I choose to make sure she's cared for for the rest of her life, however long that may be (she's 50).

Technically that makes me single, in so much as I have no reason to hide my movements and no ties (she has 24/7 care).

I understand the limitations of the choice I've made, in fact initially I declined my IE on these grounds but she made a convincing case and we find ourselves where we are now.

So "single" in my case, is just a little different.

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