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Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.

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Comments (112)

1413266 - 04 Jan, 2021 - 12:52PM

Very well said. Agree wholeheartedly. Secrets ARE fun. (Or should be😁)

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1366164 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 11:21PM

I am single and the reason I like to date I married woman, is because I have a very busy life style and someone who is married is not full on. Also that word.. DISCRETION is easier to apply. I find a married woman, is very discreet and much easier to have an affair with.

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ClassyLady77 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 10:08PM

@Beretta I agree Discretion is the unspoken golden rule.. I find those who have to mention it are often newbie and scared of own shadow....

Single men I won’t have an affair with as doesn’t feel like a even playing field.. Plus lots of me say their single when obviously are married and as soon as I say don’t meet single men they amazingly say they’re married but trust gone soo no go... Don’t lie to a fellow cheater... 🤪

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Bubbly5216 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 08:43PM

I'm single and very discreet but as others who have alluded to, it's the married men you watch out for. I have had videos of them walking with their wife. Pictures of them with said wife. Yet I'm the one that has to be discreet

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1393321 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 07:22PM

I am single. I am here and not match.com for two reasons:

1. That I'm busy, I have a full time job and live with my elderly mother, I cannot host a meet.

2. I need to be discreet ( I can't say the details on here) but I can not be seen in public with a date...what I do behind the locked hotel door is fun and flirty and definitely my private life!

So dating a married man suits me because he has as much to loose as I do if exposed, he doesn't want to be seen in public, he has less time ( I am busy), he doesn't want to take over my life and he doesn't want to come to my family events.

But he wants friendship and connection within a limited boundary, and so do I.

So this discreet fun suits me...and it's very naughty which adds to the excitement.

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RealAffair - 03 Jan, 2021 - 06:34PM

In my time I have heard or witnessed a small number of marrieds of both sexes who have had what I would refer to as a "death wish."

Their indiscretions have lead to the inevitable.

In all cases it was the married throwing caution out of the window and it has been my conclusion that they wanted to get caught.

I have found singles behaviour to be impeccable (from a discretionary point of view 😂) during an affair.

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1421217 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 05:34PM

I hate that word , discretion,as if an adult needs it pointing out here !. Oh wait I’m just dying to run up and down your street with your underwear on my head , shouting guess what

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1386735 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 05:29PM

Tea coffee me

It’s really not that difficult. Married people have been having affairs for centuries! 🙄
It’s all about having time to yourself, a lot of married people don’t which is real sorry state of affairs, particularly if they then want to start having one!

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RealAffair - 03 Jan, 2021 - 05:28PM


I agree. The only time I've ever got close to being caught was when my teenage daughter got suspicious 😂

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1320953 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 05:24PM

Im seperated but still live in the same house as my ex... I'm not going to upset that balance by having an open relationship. I need to be descreet and careful. So looking for someone that doesn't want to have a full on relationship is perfect for me. I've done the long marriage, I'm not looking for a new husband.
I want the best bits of a relationship...

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