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Successful IE?

How many of those following successful IE’s would say they ended up with who they anticipated?

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Comments (170)

1575434 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 12:36PM

Pre Covid, I was drawn to an IE totally different to my “type” except for her mind. OMG, from that first meet we were absolutely “into” each other. The seduction was amazing, the sex sensual and considerate, the empathy genuine and our friendship deep.
Family, Covid and perhaps realisation that we weren’t prepared for life changes at that time, led to a parting of the waves. Wonderfully unexpected ! No regrets.

Doricles - 21 Jan, 2024 - 09:16AM

“… ended up with who they anticipated“ is a bit of an odd way to pose this question. “ … ended up with what they wanted” would be a better way to explore this conundrum.

Being on IE gives both men and woman the opportunity to adopt a different persona, release their ultra ego and be the person they’ve always wanted to be or perhaps go back to being the person they once were.

The ladies I’ve met, and not necessarily from IE, are mostly looking for escapism; a break from the norm; a chance to be and feel sexy and desired again. Or, they’re self confident and self assured and they know they’re sexy and desirable and they like the feeling of being in control when they meet their IE.

So are those ladies what I anticipate? Yes, of course they are. Are they what I want? And here I mean for the long time not a short time … we’ll that’s an entirely different question 🙋🏻‍♂️

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1494077 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 09:09AM

Not anticipated at all, and nothing like what I had in mind, only that he was ridiculously handsome (yes, I am so shallow). He took my breath away. Each meet trumped the previous one, and the memories made will remain with me forever.

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1586130 - 21 Jan, 2024 - 09:04AM

I didn't anticipate falling in love with my first IE, but I did. It only lasted nine months and the breakup was very, very hard.

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LadyDe - 21 Jan, 2024 - 08:48AM

I had been faithful in my marriage for 21 yrs then last yr I met my IE … I couldn’t have asked for a better first affair experience, it was exactly what we both needed, he was great and you get that I think from the connection you build before you can meet. It just had the right gut instinct, It felt natural that as soon as we met in the car park we kissed straight away like we’d known each other for yrs.

Roll on this yr and I have that gut instinct again but can a girl be that lucky for a second time ? Watch this space 🤞

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Paula99 - 05 Nov, 2023 - 03:52PM

I had 6 years with my IE and I didn’t think it would last a year …clearly it was all in my head …but he seemed to understand that it was for keeps 😉

LJ_looking_for_extra - 05 Nov, 2023 - 08:54AM

Hmm I’d my first affair after 14 years old marriage and had more feelings and distance so unfortunately didn’t work out. I’m fine with it now and hoping in the floods of messages I’ll find someone to tender to my knees. What’s others advise for this sort of aspect?

1631263 - 26 Oct, 2023 - 05:11PM

Absolutely not, the person I met far exceeded my hopes and expectations in every way, I was genuinely gutted when the relationship came to an end , can only hope to find someone similar again

WitchyLady - 23 Oct, 2023 - 09:25PM

Not at all! I met someone who showed me a completely different aspect to this than I was expecting and honestly I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.

Keep an open mind I’d say

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1503794 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 02:06PM

Yes I did although it's early days! So it can happen.

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