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Successful IE?

How many of those following successful IE’s would say they ended up with who they anticipated?

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Comments (170)

WaitingtobeFound - 20 Oct, 2020 - 02:19PM

Well I met my ie in an odd way in that it was when my husband wanted an open marriage and I didn't. Reluctantly I went along with it and almost immediately met the perfect fit. A year later even though the marriage has ended my i.e. and I continue. He is entirely understanding of the fact that I need more than he can give and is happy for me to look and when I find someone he will step back and we will become very good friends. No this wasn't what I anticipated but I certainly got a man I had previously only dreamed about.

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1371219 - 20 Oct, 2020 - 01:13PM

I'm lucky to have a woman even read my email let alone interact.

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ExoticOrchid - 20 Oct, 2020 - 12:44PM

Electricity - 02:49PM

Correct!!! 👍

1371284 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 02:47PM

I think due to type and origin

1371284 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 02:47PM

I have no success

MsWho? - 17 Oct, 2020 - 08:23PM

I ended up way too far gone and we had to call it a day. Right man, completely wrong time.

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Electricity - 17 Oct, 2020 - 02:49PM

I never set out anticipating who I would end up with. That's just bound to end in disappointment. Just take it as it comes and wait for the mutual attraction to spark the fire.

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phillyd - 17 Oct, 2020 - 12:32PM


You never know, it could be me!

I am local

1320953 - 17 Oct, 2020 - 11:02AM

I'd like to think I'm open minded enough to look at every man with open eyes. We have to be. After all we probably married what we thought was our ideal partner and look were we are?!

I think the only thing I have a hard fast rule on is age. I just can't being myself to consider someone half my age. I have tried but they don't have the same life experience or some even the capability to think wirh more than their sex drive. I'm sorry but I need more than sex texting. I also find that the much older men can be just as bad. One told me recently he couldn't get it up anyway but wants to talk dirty to someone?! Erm thanks but no thanks
Maybe I have too higher expectations but I do have a throughly well thought out profile so here's hoping that Mr right for me is out there.

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Looking4thespark - 17 Oct, 2020 - 09:34AM

There is no anticipation I guess.
You'll know when you both click that it's the right fit then the rest comes naturally :)

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