Successful IE?
How many of those following successful IE’s would say they ended up with who they anticipated?
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Comments (170)
DarkestSparkles - 21 Nov, 2020 - 08:26PM
I met an incredible guy last time around and we had a great few years together, despite the distance. He was absolutely not what I was expecting and almost the polar opposite of what I thought I wanted... approaching this time round with an open mind, having ditched all but the hard limits.
I always eagerly anticipate engaging conversation; I am often disappointed.
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ExoticOrchid - 13 Nov, 2020 - 07:16PM
AAGilfan - 13 Nov, 2020 - 04:06PM
"on occasions, just as friends"
I have met some very nice people for coffee whom I'd have been very happy to keep in touch as friends but unfortunately, they are not interested in being friends when there is no prospect of sex ... shame really. Of course I understand that they have paid good money to be here, etc but you'd think they'd also like to have a friend whilst they look for a lover. Obviously not.
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AAGilfan - 13 Nov, 2020 - 04:06PM
For me, I have found it best to just be as open minded as possible, particularly as regards age (albeit that is more as regards the upper age rather than lower age (largely because I think i would be out of my league on the latter!). It helps that I have no particular fixed idea but the ladies I have met from IE, but the range of ladies that I have met have, by and large (and some have been) have all brought their own qualities and stories. I have had successful liaisons with women i thought would never see me as their type (particularly the older ones) but with whom I have built a great lasting relationship, whether as lovers or, on occasions, just as friends but they have all been worthwhile in my view.
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Ladysparkles247 - 09 Nov, 2020 - 11:24PM
Not a clue. I wonder just how many of us think about embarking on an illicit affair and have a preconceived idea of who we will end up with.
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Plum Blonde - 09 Nov, 2020 - 12:06AM
I don't think you should anticipate anything or overthink .You can meet someone significant by chance anywhere.Even traffic lights... (they were stuck on red ....!)You can talk to someone for months online and not have chemistry when you meet .So I'd say keep an open mind and your options open .Life is full of surprises.
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LillyBeth889 - 08 Nov, 2020 - 08:43PM
I’ve met some great guys off here and got one regular buddy....!
Wilts_lady - 07 Nov, 2020 - 10:42PM
I have had a successful encounter from IE. This was a few years ago. Dipping my toe in again now. Fingers crossed
JayKay120 - 07 Nov, 2020 - 06:18PM
I don't think anyone ends up with who they anticipated really. The reality is much different to the dream, whether its on IE or in real relationships.
I think as people have said, as long as you have a spark, that's what counts and what you're looking for by being on IE.
You could also argue, everyone here is looking for something different, what they anticipated is what they already have and now want different?
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