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Is monogamy unnatural?

I tried to be faithful, for a long time. However, I always, always had the feeling I needed to see more than one person. I used to think that there was something wrong with me, but now I'm certain that it is monogamy that is unnatural.

Agree or disagree?

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Comments (248)

1494077 - 04 Jan, 2025 - 05:58PM

Waterdrop - 04 Jan, 2025 - 08:15AM

Should I be wary of that ceiling mirror when I am under my man? What surveillance has ‘the system’ put in our bedrooms? 😱🙈😎

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Paula99 - 04 Jan, 2025 - 04:40PM

Water drop…

What planet have you just come from?🙄

Doubleohseven - 04 Jan, 2025 - 12:57PM

Silly question. "Natural" means nothing. Is getting up at 6am to go to work "natural"? No. Being hungry and wanting to eat - that is natural. How groups have addressed that need over millennia, and structured themselves around it, is varied, but it's unquestionable that some approaches have delivered better outcomes than alternative ones for over 10,000 years. Hence our societal choice to get up and work, however "unnatural". Better than the alternatives. So the common sense intuition is that despite its obvious "unnatural" aspects, monogamy must have prevailed over alternative structures because it delivered better societal outcomes, and for much longer than 10,000 yrs.

This doesn't stop me from seeing my IE, but at least I recognise my (our) societal debt to monogamy and am not looking for some cheap excuse ("Mother nature made me do it").

Moran_321 - 04 Jan, 2025 - 11:54AM

For me it’s a case of losing the intimacy, romance and spontaneity from the marriage. To me the intimacy and physical side of the relationship is so important but for my wife , she no longer needs that from a relationship. I’m sure there are millions of other couples in a similar position and I’ve battled with the thought of looking elsewhere for intimacy but I think we are a species that need to love and be loved through touch and intimacy.

Waterdrop - 04 Jan, 2025 - 08:15AM

I think it's a way to make families function better but I am not entirely sure if it's natural.

Also I feel it has been used by the system to get into people's bedroom.

BerkshireBiker - 01 Jan, 2025 - 07:50AM

There is a species aspect to this. Humans are wired to pro-create. And the mechanics to perform this (sex) are gloriously encouraged by our DNA. Long may it continue. It’s natural to want to have sex with more than one person.

Paula99 - 29 Dec, 2024 - 04:58PM

We are all programmed to love more than one person ..

Emotional monogamy is where a couple is emotionally committed and invested in one person exclusively. It requires open communication, vulnerability, and understanding…. Don’t forget there are 3 people in your circle….so how do you achieve this ?

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Georgia Boy69 - 28 Dec, 2024 - 11:43PM

My wife was my soul mate and best friend. However due to some horrendous gynecological problems we didnt have a sexual relationship for 30 years. So I embarked on a series of affairs. All were mutually fulfilling physically but it was always acknowledged neither of us were going to leave our respective partners. So I always though of myself as emotionally monogamous.

newbie1905 - 28 Dec, 2024 - 08:55PM

I think the answer to this is no. Monogamy is natural and achievable but… and it’s a big one… it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to find that one person who, from the moment you meet them to the day you die, will provide a level of companionship that means monogamy is the right outcome. If you don’t have an intimate connection then it’s likely that monogamy will be hard

Peter Ashford - 28 Dec, 2024 - 07:49PM

I agree. I have lived in an oasis for far too long. 2025 is going to be my year, i have made a start by joining another web site writing very lusty stories with three published already. now its time ti live what I write about.

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