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Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your home life?

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Comments (138)

1376887 - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:31PM

I think It’s a boost to your confidence to feel desired, in terms of both your company and attraction. When you’ve lived with someone with zilch sex drive and they’ve lost sight of you as a person, you feel non existent. I want to feel wanted, I’ve had that twice before on here with two fantastic men. I’ve been away for a while, now I’m hoping to be lucky enough to find a third IE.

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1368132 - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:29PM

I'm with ClassyLady77 on this one.... It depends...
If you have confidence in you being you (not arrogance) it makes no difference.
The feeling you get when somebody is interested in you cannot fail to give you a a boost.....
Breaking free of routine and societal pressures may not be easy, but if you believe in yourself despite all the knocks it shines through...
If being here helps too then fantastic... 😁

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Lillib - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:28PM

Definitely it makes me feel more desirable and at times makes me feel like shit. We can’t be judgemental, some are not on the IE because they don’t feel desirable with their spouse. It may be they want more or a different type of intimacy. Some even need a listening ear or a friend to tell your secrets. Not that I’m saying that intimacy is not what we are mostly here for but some men are so mean. Sending you all sorts and even saying this is not a dating site but for sex. Not to mention the ones that expect you to be a model.

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1080970 - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:23PM

Desirable is an interesting word to use here. It could easily be appreciated, loved, understood or even useful.

Suzanna Foxwell - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:21PM

Anyone who says that having a gorgeous sexy intelligent man tell you how much he fancies you doesn't make you feel more desirable is ready to be taken off to the convent in my humble opinion. So please don't be shy chaps about telling us how absolutely fabulous we are. We really do appreciate it especially if all we've managed to get together clothes wise during lockdown is a pair of grey knockers some stretch leggings and the old man's uni sweatshirt.

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SheDevil - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:21PM

Yes it certainly does and it’s that thrill that many of us are lacking in our own relationships, which bring us here.

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You're on my road - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:15PM

For me 100% yes.

When your wife says they would rather have a cup of tea than sex, it can dent your confidence a little 😂

However, I’ve been very lucky to have had a couple of amazingly fun affairs thanks to IE over the last 5 years which has helped balance things ☺️

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A fish called wanda - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:15PM

That was my reason for coming on this site, to feel wanted and loved again. It all gets very monotonous in a long term relationship. However, not found my IE yet - there must e someone out there though. Will comment further if I do.

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Geek0808 - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:13PM

100% everyone wants to feel, wanted and having IE does that!

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1356102 - 30 Apr, 2020 - 04:10PM

Seems to me that too many use the profile generator, they are all the same, doesn't say much at all. Which presumably is the idea

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