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Coping Tips Please!

Anybody got any coping mechanisms for dealing with your spouse during this time? I am this close to purchasing a shovel and doing some heavy gardening in our back yard

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Comments (54)

1369813 - 24 Apr, 2020 - 12:13PM

There has been an inevitable increase in domestic violence during this lockdown. But violence is never justified in the home.
Jaw jaw is always better than war war.
Be prepared to listen and to compromise, but expect the same in return.

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Apr, 2020 - 12:03PM

Am I glad to be single! 😂

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1368132 - 24 Apr, 2020 - 10:42AM

I have invested my time in developing the "Garden buildings" to improve the weather proofing and associated luxuries 😁
A bit of tokenism chucking out of perceived "rubbish" leaves me largely to my own devices... 😂

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RumplesBear - 24 Apr, 2020 - 10:27AM

Funny you say that's I hate gardening. I mean, I just kill anything green dead, I've even totalled a cactus. So I read this and chuckled.

Then realized I've spent a disproportionate amount of time doing the front and back gardens "tweaking" things and so on.

Other than that, keep generally busy, be the one that goes out for essentials, do the homeschooling and liaising with other parents.

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