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When will I see you again?

I have met 4 beautiful ladies in the past few months since joining IE. I enjoyed all my meets enough to have a second date but have subsequently been ghosted and rejected by all of them. I have another first meet arranged next week. What can I do to increase my chances of a second meet and hopefully a longer term IE?

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Comments (55)

1685008 - 15 Jul, 2024 - 01:05PM

4 meets in a few months sounds great to be honest.
Were you ghosted straight afterwards or a few messages then nothing? Like the others have said it maybe they had others lined up too and clicked better.
The only thing you can do is be yourself

EmnEm123 - 15 Jul, 2024 - 12:19PM

Yes, I would be asking the same question as Beckysharp. Is there something that you're divulging on a second date that's somehow off putting?

If the answer is yes it would probably be best to include it in your profile. If someone doesn't like it at least you've been up front and honest.

But four meets in a few months? You must be doing something right!

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1408586 - 15 Jul, 2024 - 11:39AM

Any kissing after first or second meet? I think that’s a good indicator of chemistry. Are you revealing a ‘deal breaker’ for them on second meet? Something you may think is innocuous.

It’s likely they’re meeting others too and just clicked better with someone else. Going forward keep the first couple of dates to a low key drink to ensure you’re not getting your hopes up too soon or spending £££ on dinner then getting ghosted 😬

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1664445 - 15 Jul, 2024 - 11:21AM

If you had a date but got ghosted while lining up follow on dates, then they were just being polite and didn't like you enough.

Or if you want to feel slightly better and to add some balance to the feedback, they might have had the "shopping list" approach and will therefore be forever disappointed, missing out by never taking a leap of faith. Either way they weren't for you!

Take it on the chin, rise up and go again. The stars will align eventually, you will have a date and just click with your IE and never look back

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Funguy77 - 15 Jul, 2024 - 09:54AM

Ok so 4 dates or 4 coffees? . It might be nothing more than the ladies just didn’t click with you. There can be lots of reasons to be honest nervous or your profile picture is out of date or was it just your chat lol . Since you mentioned you have been ghosted you really can’t find out anything more so better to pick yourself up and move forward.

Just for context I had literally 12 coffee meets say within two months period and only two of them turned in to a actual date and just one went on to be my IE it sounds bad to say it’s a numbers game but it can be and to be honest the lovely ladies on here are intelligent and no one’s fool so just be yourself and maybe you will be lucky to click with Mrs right

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