Does language constitute an obstacle in dating the other party, for people whose language is weak because they are new to the country?
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Comments (29)
R Deckard - 18 May, 2024 - 05:14PM
Old Sapper - couldn't disagree more.
There was someone here who I had been having a long chat with. She clearly had multiple options, and I realised I was but one on a long waitlist of equally interesting, and equally untested, suitors each waiting for the chance of a date with her. In her messages, she was pleasant, but somewhat standoffish. I had to wait for my turn, and she was losing patience with IE very quickly.
Then, to borrow EB's metaphor, I sent her a very message that found the combination. Yes - it was exactly like a key unlocking and opening someone - and I could tell. I jumped the queue. She was so intrigued not to want to see pictures at all ahead of our date [virtually unheard of, on IE, although not the 1st time I met a future lover on a blind date. Stupid? Yes, I was]. It was me who insisted on at least swapping headless pictures.
I went into that date knowing it was for me to lose.
No, I didn't.
GrahamFitz - 13 May, 2024 - 02:04PM
@ElizaBoo I knew a girl at uni who would say, "Easy, tiger!" in a way that had the opposite effect.
Old Sapper - 13 May, 2024 - 08:23AM
Unless you actually get to meet someone, then accent and command of spoken English is irrelevant.
However, my main gripe is the single line response to a message that asks a couple of questions.
1660660 - 12 May, 2024 - 07:38PM
That post feels like an incantation in itself. 🪄
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1447655 - 12 May, 2024 - 06:37PM
Language can be a powerful spell, just like someone's body or the way they move. There is a reason the incantation of magic is through words and phrases. Find the combination and it's like a key unlocking and opening someone. Even just one phrase can take you both to that place of absolute want when you're tuned into it.
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ExoticOrchid - 12 May, 2024 - 05:57PM
Speaking English with a French accent ... 😍
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1660660 - 12 May, 2024 - 05:03PM
@beckysharp, I sound quite posh (for a northerner🤣- I still say bath, not baath) and have a Deep Voice. But that’s not something that comes across in a message!
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FinalGambit - 12 May, 2024 - 04:50PM
Well apparently, based on voice notes, I sound like I've dropped out of Victorian England, which is frankly ridiculous for someone with my background. To me language matters; not the grammar, nor the spelling, both are alien to me, but the ability to convey meaning and ideas. I find wordsmiths the most attractive people, certainly the funniest and most engaging people to talk to. I do appreciate this isn’t entirely what this site is for.
ExoticOrchid - 12 May, 2024 - 04:10PM
Non-native speakers, especially the older generation, have had grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc drummed into us from day one. I doubt even teachers these days have it, let alone teach it.
There's actually one local council, in Yorkshire, which just announced they are no longer using apostrophes on street signs!!!
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