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‘Ask me anything’

Is something I get regularly, particularly when a conversation may be coming to a natural end. What are the worst questions that you have been asked, and what aspects of yourself apart from the same old, do you wish that people took time to find out?

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Comments (100)

1588157 - 19 Aug, 2023 - 02:26PM

Inappropriate question on a first date?

I recently read a profile in which the member posted that they were now divorced after finding out that their husband was a cross dresser.

"So which one of you looked better in a body stocking?"

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1588157 - 19 Aug, 2023 - 02:11PM

EO suitiale responses

Are you the sub type of girl?

"Well i am rather partial to a sailor but equally happy with surface warship crew"

* Do you like dirty talk? - "Only on wash days...pass the persil"

* Being called names? "Well on weekends i like to be called Trevor"
* Do you blow jobs? - "Only if involves drying my nail varnish"


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1588157 - 19 Aug, 2023 - 01:54PM

"Whats the flash point of your tank top?"

I read an article the other day about the boss of an IT company who when he is interviewing candidates for jobs deliberately sits them on a chair with one leg shorter than the other three to see if they have the gumption to ask for another chair.

Maybe there should be similar practical test on ones first date.

I am also reminded of the Monty Python sketch "Twit of the Year contest" where the competitors had to fathom out how to undo the bra strap on a mannequin.

baffling things Bra straps

1502482 - 13 Aug, 2023 - 01:25PM

I would love it if guys had a conversation about mundane things instead of just asking about sex. There is an underlying assumption that we are here to get laid so I really am very turned off by sex talk prior to meeting. After meeting, we will have hopefully established a rapport that enables sex talk mixed with mundane.
I'd like to be more of a person than a masturbation device.

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1612815 - 11 Aug, 2023 - 11:32PM

I would attend in London. We could organise a speed dating party

ritz667 - 11 Aug, 2023 - 04:09PM

So if a woman is asked what her thoughts are when faced with a guy holding a live chicken and washing up gloves a bit weird then ?

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1615683 - 11 Aug, 2023 - 01:29PM

Who were the FA cup runners-up in 1953?
If they got it right, at least they'd be good in a pub quiz if nothing else.

Gentle Man Jim - 02 Aug, 2023 - 08:33PM

Can I thank you all for these comments!
An inspiring read!
Must stop asking if you all like sex! (Joking)
Only just found this area of the site and am sat reading and chuckling! Hallelujah (no I’m. Not in church) there are good humoured people here!!!!!!
Keep posting…..

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quitemaster - 01 Aug, 2023 - 11:35PM

I must admit I have no clue what to ask or say and always feel like I really don't know what to ask or comment and then follow up with another message so I am not sure if I come across the wrong way. I suffer from anxiety so I start thinking I've said something wrong even when it's just Hi I'm ____ nice to meet you. And I hate to feel like it is an interview so I hate either short replies and no question from the lady or no reply at all. Sorry for the long winded answer haha

Toffee.macchiato4 - 31 Jul, 2023 - 05:31PM

Exotic orchid

You slammed it 😅
Classy response
I rate you highly 🙌

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