IE Conversations
What comments or questions made during message conversations on IE have made you think 'eugh', 'yuk' or 'cringe' ?
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Comments (148)
Redfirefox - 27 Mar, 2023 - 09:29AM
I’ll echo Exotic Orchid ….
“I’ve never fucked a natural redhead before” or “you’re on my bucket list…” or “are you fiery in bed” and worse one yet (you cheeky bastards you know who you are) “ does the collar match the cuffs/ cushions match the drapes?”
Ffs sake it’s like being back at school 😂
* Block
Reason for blocking - being a dickhead
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1588499 - 27 Mar, 2023 - 09:18AM
Johnnylondon - 08:49AM
Or... they're not that interested 🚩 It shouldn't feel laborious if it's the right person but sometimes you have to fight for what you want and sell yourself (I'm admittedly terrible at this). Easy come, easy go...
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ExoticOrchid - 27 Mar, 2023 - 09:09AM
"I've never f*#@ed an Oriental before"
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Johnnylondon - 27 Mar, 2023 - 08:49AM
Haha sorry couldn't resist that one ;)
But you're right it's so frustrating when all the heavy lifting of the conversation is on you. It makes me wonder if that's what they're like irl
1588499 - 27 Mar, 2023 - 08:39AM
(sits back... 🍿)
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1100888 - 27 Mar, 2023 - 08:31AM
Nothing makes me cringe or go Yuk, but one word answers and single sided conversations are a real turn off
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