A lot of comments on the forum from men state that women are looking for men over a certain height. It would be interesting to hear what height the husband's, partners and ex partners are of the females on here are/were for comparison and for clarity, if they can be totally honest?
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Comments (183)
1529050 - 04 Jan, 2023 - 03:23PM
Regarding height, today I walked in the kitchen and one of the guys was in there so I said o good you are here and he was like o you need bowl down (for some reason all our bowls are put high high out of the way). So I was yups - and he said well to be honest I am not really that tall... I am erm you are tall - he is 5' 11" and to me at 5'2" he towers over me but even he said ah but yes I am not that magic 6' So it seems in most areas of life height is an issue. My friend who is 5'11 then walked in - she always wears flats (with the two of them there I felt like a munchkin) but I don't feel she would poopoo the guy as they were the same height......
Cheesypuff - 02 Jan, 2023 - 11:42AM
Paula99 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 11:26AM
No stirring really intended, just keeping myself entertained and trying to keep it light hearted. My sense of humour probably doesn't come translate to the forum very well, I've been told this before! 🙈
Paula99 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 11:26AM
Clearly you are here to ‘stir’ the chat forum up a little and it looks like you enjoy it ..
Good luck with that one 😕
Cheesypuff - 01 Jan, 2023 - 10:38PM
TheBoredHousewife - 01 Jan, 2023
My comment was totally tongue in cheek, blame my rubbish sense of humour for it being taken seriously.
1494077 - 01 Jan, 2023 - 08:30PM
Cheesy / Xplicit
It really isn’t.
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Sam523 - 01 Jan, 2023 - 06:34PM
I'm a sucker for tall elegant women. The more svelte the better. I fear it's a weakness...
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ExoticOrchid - 01 Jan, 2023 - 11:41AM
🙄 ... dream on (short) fellas, dream on ... 🙄
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Xplicitme - 31 Dec, 2022 - 10:46PM
1385055 - 31 Dec, 2022 - 10:48AM
I wouldn't say I'm "short" sweetheart and certainly not a manhoe, but I am passionate in the bedroom!
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