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What do you think of dating someone older/younger on the site?  I'm in my mid thirties and since I've joined the site I have found more of a connection with someone older than me than I have with people a similar age. 

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Comments (242)

Jaguar1 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 10:14PM

It’s all about the connection and chemistry. You should always put yourself first. If you feel comfortable with the individual then you will both benefit and the relationship will flourish regardless.

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Enigma.. - 26 Mar, 2023 - 08:43PM


Don’t get me started on driving….

BMW stands for…. Bl00dy male W⚓️. 😂😉😏🙄

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Enigma.. - 26 Mar, 2023 - 08:33PM

Good evening…..
I prefer to stick with males around my own age.
Yes…. I have gone younger and older.
Younger…. The sex is 🤔 Mixed 😂…. Depending on “experiences”. The conversations are, quite often, limited due to the age gap.
Older…. The sex is 🤔 mixed. Depending on “experience and health”. But the conversations have been much more stimulating. 😃😊💋
No droning on about football 😴
I’m a rugby kinda gal 😏❤️

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1588499 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 08:32PM

When I was in my twenties I had a hot hatch and scoffed at boring VW Golf drivers. When I was in my thirties I was boring and had a VW Golf and scoffed at BMW drivers. Now I'm in my forties...

The moral of that, I think, is that our tastes and attractions change with us as we grow. I wouldn't consider a partner now who was much less than late thirties yet distinctly remember thinking my 28-year-old girlfriend (back in the day) was ancient. I swear she had wrinkles! Now I like wrinkles.

1408586 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 08:23PM


Try being more specific about your ideal partner. Maybe add ‘and teeth’ to got your own car?


1554570 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 07:50PM

Tend to go for people around the same age to get those shared experiences

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TheBoredHousewife - 26 Mar, 2023 - 07:50PM

Baldfatandugly - 26 Mar, 2023 - 07:00PM

For starters, if it is written that you prefer ages 30 and beyond, it might be worth reflecting that in your age preference detail as well. And would you really plump for a 99 year old? 😊

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FluffyClouds - 26 Mar, 2023 - 07:48PM

Baldfatandugly -

Haha, seriously? There's quite a few contradictions in your profile.

Your user name - is it true? Because you say you're average and have hair. If it's not, why on earth did you choose that username?

You want someone preferably older than you (42), but have your lowest age preference as 21. You then state further down that you're looking for someone over 30.

You also mention transport twice. I think most people on here have their own transport.

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James1268 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 07:19PM

That's because it's always better with an older guy

1589095 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 04:13PM

My age is 7 inches in doggie style years.

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