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A polite no?

So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?

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Comments (208)

distractions welcome! - 15 Feb, 2021 - 08:26PM

I say “ Thanks but afraid not for me, happy hunting”

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Sigmaguy - 15 Feb, 2021 - 06:44PM

Beretta - Sigmaguy , pop round to my house and spring clean it please il make dinner just for that....

I’ll bring the marigolds clean your house with pleasure...you prepare the dinner... then sex??? Sounds fair... You’re hired too! Now that’s you and Mary Contrary..... I’ve had a good day! 😘

1433297 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 06:43PM

Politeness costs nothing. 'Sorry but you're not my type, but good luck with your search.' or something similar is all that's needed.
Let's be honest there's only a small proportion of people you meet in your life who you're attracted to. You just need to find one but no excuse for being rude to people you don't fancy along that journey.

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1352755 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 06:02PM

Unfortunately... I don’t think there is any other way than being honest , but in a nice way .
I just say “ your a nice guy but not my type , take care & good luck”
Which is more or less what I’ve had back too 😂🤣

Manners cost nothing

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Rustiqe plaisir - 15 Feb, 2021 - 06:00PM

“What attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels” comes to mind when Debbie Magee was asked by the legendary Mrs Merton.
Now they had many happy years together which probably would never had happened had Debbie just looked at his picture - and didn’t know of his wealth!
Chatting to someone, it going well and then basing on a photo alone whether to take it further is quiet shallow IMHO.
As others have said, far more eloquently, having an IE is a lot more than just looks. But hey ho, we are all different.
I’ve had several affairs with ladies of differing physical appeal. The overriding common denominator is that they were all great fun to be with.

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1421217 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 05:45PM

Oh and some people photograph really well , but don’t quite look so good in reality , and some people photography not so well and look way better in person , so to discount someone on a flat pic straight away , is very short sighted , that said the old , can I sleep with that face is ultimately what it boils down to

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1421217 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 05:37PM

Sigmaguy , pop round to my house and spring clean it please il make dinner just for that

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Sigmaguy - 15 Feb, 2021 - 05:13PM

Sexy lady- The dating game is brutal.

I had a date with a woman (who’d cancelled on me once but told me she still wanted to meet. So I confirmed the day before just in case, I prepared a dinner, spring cleaned my house and 5 minutes before she was to show I got a lame text saying ‘Sorry I’ve just woken up.. you’ll probably be annoyed... but I had a late night last night!

No apology, just a tw@ message. Oh and just a couple of days earlier she said ‘I’ve met my perfect match’....

Bunny boiler...

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Sexylady123 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 04:54PM

I had arranged a possible meet then he disappeared from here and kik

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1425667 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 04:34PM

A polite no is much better than being ghosted. I have been on the receiving end of both recently. One just stopped responding which just irritated me. The other told me I wasn't their type, but good luck. I reciprocated in wishing them luck and moved on.

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