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What have you ...

... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔


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Comments (171)

RockOpera - 06 Jan, 2021 - 03:00PM

I have learned I am more confident and competent than I had previously thought, that men give up very easily if ladies do not lay down quickly and gratefully (for a smattering of interest shown), that there are still some kind people in the clandestine world inhabited here, but most of all that patience is a virtue - catch it if you can..... seldom in a woman, even less so in a man.....
Having been overwhelmed with immediate contacts upon registering, it seems I may finally be able to start looking for myself....
Can anybody empathise?

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Scott7 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 11:11PM

That i am ready to dip my toe into this exotic world. I get that some want one nighters but others will take the time to unlock a true connection which offers excitment, spark and fun. Obviously, the current climate halts face to face, but we can all hope for a new dawn and fun once safe. Be well all : )

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1117169 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 10:59PM

@ Milaxx

Exactly the same could be said about women from the mans point of view.

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1392431 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 10:43PM

I have learnt that an affair to many guys on here means a one night stand in a hotel which if I’m lucky they will pay for! That’s not an affair and I am sure there are other sites for those who just want a one night stand rather than wasting the time of those who want a genuine affair.

I have learnt about myself that I’m more confident than I thought I was, that I do need to be with a guy who understands how an affair works and will respect the boundaries but most of all I have learnt that actually I really do deserve to be happy x

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Just Yours - 05 Jan, 2021 - 03:24PM

Not everyone is honest

1427040 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 03:22PM


Just the one. You.know where to find me to discuss.

1422646 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 03:21PM


You can say 85% of us DO want to be romanced, wined and dined if we just wanted sex we need to dress up and go on a night out or pay a hot sex worker.

So she is right when she says the majority of man are looking for a quick fix without putting the effort and the wish to stand out.

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ExoticOrchid - 05 Jan, 2021 - 02:53PM

Zara1981 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 12:46PM
" I also need an exceptionally handsome man"

IF you find such a man, will you tell us please so we can all envy your good luck??? ;-)

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Zara1981 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 02:04PM

Of course we just looking until we find the right one!!

I’m not risking meeting someone who doesn’t run electric through me !

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Zara1981 - 05 Jan, 2021 - 12:46PM

Unfortunately for me I have learned that I’m far shallower than I ever thought .... as much as I need connection , I also need an exceptionally handsome man ... I settle in life , why settle in an affair ???

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