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Successful IE?

How many of those following successful IE’s would say they ended up with who they anticipated?

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Comments (170)

1386735 - 26 Jun, 2021 - 01:49PM


Sorry to hear this has happened to you. Bloody cheek of the man, plenty like that on here. You’re right though…..next…… just remember there is always someone better around the corner 😊

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1386735 - 26 Jun, 2021 - 01:48PM


Wow amazing, the perfect arrangement and you’re still here 🤨🙄

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ritz667 - 26 Jun, 2021 - 11:23AM

Definately 6 years and counting x the perfect arrangement shes georgeous and its been a total joy

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1455445 - 26 Jun, 2021 - 10:47AM

Thought I'd met my I.e
Turns out I'm one one many and I get the impression his co workers know what he's like..

After sleeping together his behavior has changed.

So I'm still on the hunt.


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ExoticOrchid - 25 Jun, 2021 - 01:49PM

teper_1961 - 11:04AM

Indeed you suspect correctly ... however, as female to female messaging is not allowed here, I don't know why they bother either, except to be low life trolls. That said, there are sad males here who are also low life trolls.

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1444888 - 25 Jun, 2021 - 11:04AM

In a past life I have studied language and its use by males and females as it does differ even taking into account regional accents.
I have noted on several messages, syntax that you'd associate with male rather than females which leads me to suspect that there are males on here pretending to be females (presumably so they get free membership - but why bother?).
I wonder how many?

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Shedevil11 - 23 Jun, 2021 - 02:31PM

Wonder how many successful IE

1386735 - 19 Jun, 2021 - 03:53PM


Completely agree with you actually…no it’s not just men, it’s women too. You are right there are genuines here, you just need to search very hard for them.

Thank you for your wishes, I’m doing just fine at the moment, ☺️🥰

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1447655 - 18 Jun, 2021 - 10:21PM

Speaking as a woman, aren't we all lying to our husbands (by which I mean protecting our spouses from the unnecessary truth?) Women are just as likely to lie as men. I love men - my dad, brother, mates, husband son and lover - I won't swallow this 'all men are lyers' bull crap, and I am firmly a sister of third and four wave feminism!

We are just humans. We love, we lust and we hurt, and life is fooking too short. Let's be excellent to each other.


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Funseekingsean - 18 Jun, 2021 - 07:55PM

YUD, on no I’m so sorry to hear that however we are not all arseholes some of us are genuine and yes we may be lying to our spouses however it’s not just men doing that and having good connections abs conversations and perhaps maybe even good meets is what this site is for unfortunately trying to keep unscrupulous people off any site like this is impossible. I do wish you eventually meet and get what you seek 🤗

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