What is the most attractive thing you find about a woman or a man?
For me it's eyes, an accent and a positive outlook on life :-)
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Comments (198)
1320953 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:46PM
There are many things that make someone attractive I find that
Intelligence and good manners are just as important as say looks, I think a man in a suit is sexy as well as well groomed and smelling good.
I make an effort everyday to look my best and I expect any potential "friend" to make the effort
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Cancer - 23 Aug, 2020 - 08:57PM
The ability to hold a conversation and a willingness to do so! And laugh, at themselves, at me, at stuff. My job is pretty intense and I have quite a dark sense of humour so yeah, that’s important.
1117169 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 07:42PM
Slim with a pony tail 😉
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1392752 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 06:29PM
Confidence (not arrogance) and a great sense of humour. If they’ve got that and a great pair of legs & a nice bum, I’m a happy man 😄
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1376462 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 05:56PM
For me eyes along with hair ( straight long hair be bonus)definitely
Mysterious 3.0 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 04:35PM
That indefinable quality.... 'aura'
Some have it (knowingly or not).... Many do not.... 🤣😂
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1403402 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 01:49PM
Sexual responsiveness is high on my list. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I find seeing and hearing that my lover is enjoying the sensuality of the moment a real turn on...
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Whisper942 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 01:24PM
@Alibb69 with you on that one! I also find someone who is socially and emotionally intelligent attractive.
1404215 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 12:41PM
it has to be that twinkle in the eyes ,when you just know there's a little naughtiness hiding behind them ,and a good sense of humour is a must love a man that can make me laugh.
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