When is it ok to exchange phone numbers?
We've all been chatting on the forum about what makes a good profiles and
initial messaging but when is the best time to give out our phone numbers,
move to another app for messaging or chat on the phone?
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Comments (87)
1392377 - 10 Aug, 2020 - 10:46AM
When ever you feel comfortable
Personally I find the chat on this site clumsy so I generally try to move to Kik or such like but phone number I think you will know when you are ready.
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Mr Handy - 09 Aug, 2020 - 10:13PM
I think if you feel comfortably comfortable, then yes move to a platform that suits both , always play safe .
Phone numbers yes why not if you have had a few dates ..then I see no reason why not but a guess a name xmchane might be a good move .
1393321 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 10:06PM
Thing is, there are times my instincts say not to give out my number but to follow through can be hard, so forum answers like these give a person the confidence to say no if the time isn't right.
Browneyedgirl4545 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 09:59PM
It’s definately for me about being comfortable and building up a degree of trust before giving out your number 😊
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Mitzi999 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 09:56PM
If I like them and have exchanged messages with them, I can normally tell.... them I give out my phone number.
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Mitzi999 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 09:56PM
If I like them and have exchanged messages with them, I can normally tell.... them I give out my phone number.
509129 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 09:30PM
I use Kik too but if you meet someone you can trust then I would give them my number not that anyone is asking for it 🤣
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1386735 - 09 Aug, 2020 - 05:59PM
Not necessarily, I've met a few in person and those are in a different league. Won’t give out my number now until I’ve met them a few times now
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