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New here!

Hi world of IE! I am new here, a little nervous and excited. Just wondering if you have any tips for someone venturing into this world for the first time… 

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Comments (233)

1175597 - 25 Apr, 2020 - 07:34PM

Not particularly related to the lockdown, but more generally, does anyone else feel frustrated when they open someone's profile to find that it's yet another one created by the somewhat ubiquitous profile generator?

Frankly those in charge ought to employ someone with a little more creativity to write them, because currently they tell the reader absolutely nothing about the person concerned.

The sentence that begins "people say that I'm......... usually followed by a description of hair colour, eye colour, height and body shape.
Really??? In reality "people don't say" ....... The above attributes are facts, they aren't someone's opinion, so come on I.E. writers, please have a little imagination.

Or better still - people joining IE please take the trouble to write something meaningful about yourself, your interests, what you're looking for and what your ideal IE might look like. It's not that difficult is it? I mean you can draft it offsite, keep going back to it until you're happy with i

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1262378 - 25 Apr, 2020 - 07:03PM

Patience, lots of it!! Lol. Been here a while and have found most that may contact you have no intention of getting beyond hello due to location. Home counties? Lucky you. Anywhere further north it's rare. Maybe I should remove my picture and let them take pot luck lol. Good luck to you though.

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ExoticOrchid - 25 Apr, 2020 - 06:56PM

Be careful … don't get caught!

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